A Recap of March at GEM

March was an exciting month at GEM with so many delightful activities and events. Let’s take a look at some of our memorable highlights this month through a quick recap! 

International Women’s Day Celebration

This month, GEM celebrated International Women’s Day (March 8th) with the theme “The beauty of intellectuality”, to honor GEM’s beautiful women, who are intelligent and extremely talented in their field. Their male counterparts worked to hold a beautiful cozy ceremony with delightful decorations.

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GEM’s celebration of International Women’s Day

We’ve got visitors!

Also in March, it was our great pleasure to welcome representatives of major clients and partners from Japan and New Zealand to visit and work at our office in Hanoi. 

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Our close clients from New Zealand, Frontier Software, paid a three-week visit and had various discussions on the project’s progress. After 3 years of collaboration, this visit was also a suitable time for both sides to consider the potential for future collaboration.

Visit from Frontier Software representatives

GEM also welcomed clients from Japan and had an extensive discussion on the potential for future partnership. The visits were wonderful chances for GEM to showcase our capabilities and how we can help clients harness technology and innovation to serve sustainable development. 

These meetings are essential to GEM as we can have deeper conversations with our partners and clients to gain a better understanding of their business conditions and expectations. It also paves the way for GEM to strengthen partnerships and allow the exploration of new potential business opportunities. 

Read about our partners and clients who have visited this year from Japan and New Zealand.

GEM Internship Program 2022 (GIP 2022) Graduation

GEM Internship Program (GIP) is an internship program built for senior students majoring in IT-related degrees. In this paid internship program, the interns were not only trained and supervised by GEM’s experienced experts, but they also had hands-on experience with real projects and joined many of GEM’s activities, including our football tournament and year-end party. 

GIP 2022 graduation

After 3 months of hard work, the 30 interns of the GEM Internship Program celebrated their graduation in a wholesome ceremony. It’s been a fantastic experience with the interns and the vibrant energy they generate. We believe that the success of GIP 2022 will pave the path for the program’s next enrolment.

GEMPions League 2023

March also marked the first season of our football tournament called “GEMPions League”. This activity certainly helped the company’s employees to bond more and have some fun times after tiring working days. With the “work hard, play harder” spirit of GEMers, the GEMPions League has certainly brought joyful and unforgettable memories. 

GEMpions League 2023 poster

That’s a wrap of our eventful March. GEM looks forward to more delightful and exciting events in the coming time.


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