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GEM welcomes an esteemed Asia-based client to its office for extensive discussions.
GEM hosted collaborative R&D session with scholars from Japanese and Vietnamese Institutions.
Explore how our journey in building high-performance ODCs transcends mere business.
On April 23rd, GEM conducted its Q1/2024 business review, led by CEO Ngo Khanh Hoang.
GEM received Sao Khue 2024 award for the second consecutive year.
GEM’s CEO delved into the company’s achievements in 2023 and outlined an ambitious vision for 2024.
This is the first year GEM has been recognized on the Clutch 100.
GEM looked back on the performance of Q4/2023 in a quarterly business review.
#GEM2023Wrapped - Catch a glimpse of 2023 at GEM Corporation