Chatbot AI Chatbot: A Solution for Better Business Communications In the innovation quest, AI Chatbot has appeared as an optimal solution that reinforces organizations’ communication.
AI in Workplace AI at the Workplace – Empowered Humans and Boosted Productivity (With 4 applications) In the optimistic view, human workers and AI build each other up and enhance the nature of work.
Smart Building Automation IoT solutions for smart building automation system More than energy saving, a smart building automation system also promotes highly efficient and automated management.
Data privacy AI and data privacy in healthcare – Less risk, more support Though usually associated with more privacy risk, artificial intelligence (AI) can be trusted to improve patient privacy, and here’s why!
Healthtech Embracing AI – A new milestone for patient care AI is expected to drive positive impacts in the delivery of healthcare services.
Deep Learning Machine Learning OCR How to gain insights and solve problems with AI-driven OCR OCR with AI-based features is a promising tool to unlock multiple languages’ accessibility, imagery content, and work efficiency.
O2O Technology For Retail Amazon Case Study Integrating Technology into O2O Strategy: an amazing case study of Amazon In Covid-19 pandemic, Technology for retail industry has helped online stores to further prove their faster adaptation and increase profit
Fintech Trends 2021 Global Fintech Trends 5 Note-worthy Fintech Examples that Positively Transform the Finance Sector Financial technology – or FinTech – has unexpectedly matured since the pandemic swept across the world, and here top 5 ones you need to know
Machine Learning Machine learning – Driving positive changes in the education sector (With 3 use cases) With the progressive adoption of machine learning, the education sector will soon witness a major transformation